In message <>, David Blacka wr
> On Mar 9, 2009, at 5:35 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
> >
> >     On a related issue DS -> DNSKEY translations cannot be
> >     performed until the DNSKEY is published in the zone.  The
> >     use of DS prevents pre-publishing of keys.
> Huh?  You can generate a DS from the DNSKEY record that you have  
> generated but not yet published, so you can pre-publish the DS just as  
> soon as you could pre-publish your DNSKEY.  As for actually *using*  
> the DS as a trust anchor, you can't use either the DS or the DNSKEY  
> prior to actually publishing and *using* the DNSKEY.  Or maybe I just  
> don't understand your point.

        When you pre-publish a DS you prevent implementations that
        use DNSKEYs from taking advantage of that pre-publication.

        When you pre-prepublish DNSKEYs implementations that use
        DS or DNSKEYs can taking advantage of that pre-publication.

> >     I can see no real reason to recommend that DS records be
> >     published in preference to DNSKEY records.
> They are small and easier to eyeball as correct.
> >     DNSKEY -> DS is a conversion that can be at anytime.
> >
> >     This make DNSKEY a better manditory record to publish.
> I don't follow.
Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
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