On Wed, 3 Sep 2008, Danny McPherson wrote:

> You don't see any evidence of attacks because you haven't read
> about them on NANOG ["or various network forums that you do
> monitor"] - duly noted, and comically ironic.

It is indeed comically ironic (telling, actually) that NANOG hasn't
discussed the issue.  But I fail to understand why YOU think that is
comically ironic. 

It is not merely that *I* don't see any evidence. It is that NO ONE has
presented ANY evidence of ANY FURTHER ATTACKS, despite being challenged
to provide some evidence.  Someday (after we approve this document I 
suppose) you promise to have "*OG types" report on this attack. 

> This survey has nothing to do with NANOG, and it's not in any way
> supported or executed by NANOG.  I'm not sure why you keep repeating
> this when I responded to your initial query as such:
> "No, there's quite a wide distribution of responses, but mostly *OG
> types in various regions."

I never said the survey was sponsored by NANOG. But as you admit above,
it limited to the "*OG types", which I note have misled us in the past.

I'm not very surprised that Vixie and Crocker support this document by
personal attacks.  They try to use emotion rather than reason to get
what they want.  They've done that before with the result that the
Working Group and the public is deceived.

On Wed, 3 Sep 2008, Paul Vixie wrote:

> how long is this community going to let a single person dominate its agenda?

The deception in this assertion is just incredible. I haven't prevented
anyone from discussing anything. This is an email list; Anyone can post
at any time.

Vixie/Crocker (calling me troll) are just engaging in namecalling, and
have added nothing but noise and emotion.


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