On Tue, 2 Sep 2008, Joe Abley wrote:

> On 2 Sep 2008, at 11:04, Dean Anderson wrote:
> >>> There is no harm in public resolvers.
> >>
> >> Not to the people running the resolvers, usually, no.
> >
> > There is "usually" no harm to anyone from open resolvers. No one has
> > reported any further attacks since this draft was conceived.
> That is not true. It's possible that the forums in which such attacks  
> are discussed are not available to you, of course. I say that not as  
> some kind of thinly-veiled attack, but merely as an observation that  
> security ops forums tend not to be public.

Really? Your position is that there are attacks but all these attacks
are somehow being kept secret?  People talked about ping floods, syn
floods, and an uncountable slew of other attacks. Incredible. 

If these attacks were indeed happening, someone, somewhere would be
talking about specific attacks.

> > I note that there have been no substantive answers to any of the
> > questions I raised, just platitudes and personal attacks.
> Oh, I didn't notice any questions. In any case, I was only responding
> to what I saw as factual errors.

But you don't have any factual counter-evidence to offer to refute the
alleged factual errors.  Incredible.

> And I was serious about the t-shirt, if the price is reasonable. XXL,
> thanks.

Then you should know that this isn't a proper forum to be soliciting me
about t-shirts.


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