On Wed, 25 Jun 2008, Joe Abley wrote:

> On 25 Jun 2008, at 21:42, Dean Anderson wrote:
> > There is nothing misleading in "The ISP".
> Apart from the fact that it's singular, which was the basis of the  
> only technical point it seemed to me that you tried to make.

My point was not based on ISP being singular. My point was based on a
"Local Node" not being universally accessible. The Chinise F-root nodes
are not available to other Chinese ISPs who don't peer with ISC at those
peering points.  So, an earthquake that disrupts communication from
China to the SF Bay Area, deprives users in China of access to F-root,
just as Dr. Huang's hypothesis stated. And I see from today that his
statement isn't so hypothetical, it happened as he said in 2006. There
are a number of very good points in Dr. Huang's proposal, and they
should be considered.

They (e.g. Vixie, DNSOP msg June 25), have also challenged Dr. Huang's
agenda in proposing solutions to known problems.  I note the same
naysayers have previously associated as a group on similar issues, and
that this group advocates Anycast as a solution to the current and
future load problems. They (e.g. Vixie, DNSOP msg. June 24)  have
discredited their opposition to Dr. Huang's proposal, at least, by
asserting that there are no load problems to be solved, while advancing
their own solution.  It should be noted that ISC, Vixie et al have a
financial motive in promoting Anycast as the solution and that Dr.
Huang's proposal competes with their solution. There is an undisclosed
conflict of interest.


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