On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Joe Abley wrote:

> On 11-Mar-2008, at 10:37, Dean Anderson wrote:
> > So root and gTLD DNS server operations supervision is off the charter?
> I'm not sure it was ever on the charter.
> The paragraph you quoted seems to suggest that the attention of the  
> working group is equally-focussed on root, TLD and all other  
> nameservers, whether authority-only servers or not.

I didn't say the charter was exclusively oriented to root and gTLD
operations. But the current charter explicitly includes them, and the
proposed new charter does not.

This is not the first time we've discussed these issues. The last time
changes to the charter were proposed, I brought up the same issue. Back
then I opposed removing root and gTLD operations from the charter. Now,
I'm not so certain it isn't a good idea.  As I wrote back then:

  It seems to me the issues outlined in the current charter element
  above are still a fundamental and important part of the DNSOP mission,
  particularly with respect to the ICANN MoU and RFC 2870, which give a
  substantial role to the IETF on DNS Root server operations.

There is still an effect on the ICANN MoU and RFC 2870. For one thing,
updating RFC 2870 would appear to be out of scope in the proposed new
DNSOP charter.

The change in my position is that I'm no longer quite so certain root
and gTLD operations are a vital part of the IETF or DNSOP mission.  I
think the subject of root and gTLD supervision is a vital part for
_someone_ or _something_, but perhaps not the IETF.


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