Dear colleagues,

On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 10:53:54AM -0400, Joe Abley wrote:
> The paragraph you quoted seems to suggest that the attention of the  
> working group is equally-focussed on root, TLD and all other  
> nameservers, whether authority-only servers or not.

While that's true, the older text also explictly says that the WG is
interested in administration, configuration, and operation of the DNS:

      Define the processes by which Domain Name System (DNS) software may be
      efficiently and correctly administered, configured, and operated on
      Internet networks.

It seems to me that that additional scope is worth retaining.  Perhaps this

      The DNS Operations (DNSOP) Working Group will develop and review
      guidelines for the correct, efficient and secure configuration of DNS
      authoritative servers, resolvers, and DNSSEC validators.

could be altered slightly to 

      The DNS Operations (DNSOP) Working Group will develop and review
      guidelines for the correct, efficient and secure configuration,
      administration, and operation of DNS authoritative servers, resolvers,
      and DNSSEC validators.


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