On 27-Nov-2007, at 10:23, Paul Vixie wrote:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Warren Kumari) writes:
... What do people think about setting up a legal entity called RSTOA
that would then perform some very simple checks before handing out
a LOA?
RSTOA is an existing unincorporated association. you can ask it to
do this
kind of thing. just find any root name server operator and make
your case.
(a convenient list of same can be found at <http://www.root-servers.org/
So, would it be possible for one or more of the root server operators
to prepare a generic-yet-official-looking LOA on suitable "letterhead"
and perhaps stash it on www.root-servers.org somewhere?
Such an LOA would probably be less remarkable to your average transit
provider; the response to "here's a signed LOA as a PDF" is certainly
likely to be more useful in practice than "here's an un-signed ASCII
text file filled with legal boilerplate which really is an LOA, honest".
I can suggest the kind of text I think is needed off-line if that
seems useful.
[I copy the list on this so that it doesn't appear that the thread
ended over-abruptly in the archive.]
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