Roy Arends wrote:

During the last meeting, Kurtis Lindquist asked an interesting question. He asked if anyone had a good explanation for the amount of requests for the now experimental type A6 Resource Record. This exact question was asked by David Malone during the OARC meeting (july 2005) as well.

We (Nominet UK) are seeing those requests as well, and though they seem to come from a distributed set of IP addresses, most of these addresses run well-known resolvers that are known not to initiate those requests, hence they're proxied on behalve of stub resolvers.

Since this remains unanswered time and time again, and these requests for A6 types do not seem to diminish, I'm hoping that those that have access to traffic to a busy resolver are willing to spend some cycli on this.

If anyone is interested in doing this, or has a reasonable explanation for these A6 queries, please let me know.

My 0.02 cents contribution: while spying on my residential LAN to get a
sense of Internet usage by my teenagers with Etherreal (these kids are
aware of my spying), I noticed A6 queries from the Suse Linux 10.1
workstation. No IPv6 stuff on this LAN or in the ISP service documentation. I couldn't easily figure out how to configure either the stub resolver, or the default application use of it, in this Linux box. No time to investigate any further.

That's it.

Best regards.


- Thierry Moreau

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