On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:47:08 +0200
Roy Arends <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Since this remains unanswered time and time again, and these requests  
> for A6 types do not seem to diminish, I'm hoping that those that have  
> access to traffic to a busy resolver are willing to spend some cycli  
> on this.
> If anyone is interested in doing this, or has a reasonable  
> explanation for these A6 queries, please let me know.

I have some access to some resolvers that have these.  From what I
can see in a cursory look, it is another recursor, probably BIND?
asking for A6 records, mostly, if not always, of other name servers.
I've seen this from Solaris and Mac OS X boxes so I don't think it's
an OS specific thing.


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