> On Jun 27, 2021, at 12:02, Carl Karsten <c...@nextdayvideo.com> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 10:49 AM Andrew Miskell <andrewmisk...@mac.com> 
>> wrote:
>>>> On Jun 27, 2021, at 09:30, Carl Karsten <c...@nextdayvideo.com> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 7:56 AM john doe <johndoe65...@mail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 6/27/2021 9:17 AM, Carl Karsten wrote:
>>>> > On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 2:10 AM john doe <johndoe65...@mail.com> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >> On 6/27/2021 7:03 AM, Dominik wrote:
>>>> >>> Hey Carl,
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> On Sat, 2021-06-26 at 19:16 -0500, Carl Karsten wrote:
>>>> >>>> I'm looking for advice on haveing some boxes to have both dynamic and
>>>> >>>> static IPs.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Why use a static IP at all? We have often enough seen people use static
>>>> >>> addresses for the wrong reasons.
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> As I understand it, the OP wants to use DHCP static leases.
>>>> >>
>>>> >
>>>> > No.
>>>> >
>>>> > I need this for when move put a box on someone else's network.
>>>> > So I don't have any control over the dhcp server.
>>>> >
>>>> Then set an fix IP on dhcp client (dhclient ...) and remove it when you
>>>> don't need it.
>>>> Basically, you set the dhcp client to have a static address or let the
>>>> client get a lease from a dhcp server.
>>> I'm trying to reduce the amount of work I need to do when I show up and 
>>> discover there is no dhcp server.
>>> Example locations: university, coffee shop, convention center, office 
>>> meeting room.   In all cases I am a guest for a few days.  
>>>> Why do you need dnsmasq into the mix?
>>> I don't - I am just working on client config.
>>>> --
>>>> John Doe
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>>> -- 
>>> Carl K
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>>> Dnsmasq-discuss mailing list
>>> Dnsmasq-discuss@lists.thekelleys.org.uk
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>> A couple things. It might help to state what the client device is running 
>> (Windows, Linux and what distribution/version). 
> Opsis PC: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS 
> Voctomix:  Debian GNU/Linux 11 
>> dnsmasq is a DNS/DHCP server not a client, so I’m unsure what the role of 
>> dnsmasq would be here. 
> This is a bit OT (Off Topic) as in it is not a dnsmasq server question.  
> I am asking about client config.
> to a group qualified to know about such things. 
> if there is a better place to ask such questions, let me know.
>> Most of the places you listed would already have a DHCP server available to 
>> hand out IP addresses (and associated network information) on its own. 
>> Otherwise, there’s no easy way to connect to the internet without knowing 
>> all that particular networks details (e.g. gateway address, subnet mask, 
>> etc, etc) which defeats the point of providing network access in a number of 
>> the locations you listed. 
> If I could always plug a wire into a jack and get to a dhcp server, I would 
> not have a problem.    
> I do not want to route 400mbs video traffic though the coffee shop wifi.  
> Which isn't a problem as my devices don't have wifi.  So yes the coffee shop 
> does have a dhcp server, I may not want to use it.
> If I do not have access to the venue network, then my networking needs are 
> just my 2 devices.  This is the  case I am trying to provide for, without 
> having to edit 
> a config file.  the Opsis PC is often headless,  so editing is done via ssh 
> from the voctomix pc, which is hard if the 2 don't have networking setup. 
> -- 
> Carl K

If you are using NetworkManager for configuring your interfaces on those linux 
machines, you can have two profiles bound to the same interface with the dhcp 
profile having a higher priority over the static profile. So if DHCP fails, the 
static profile takes over. 

Ubuntu switched to NetPlan sometime back and I’m not sure if it has the same 
options, you’d have the check netplan’s documentation. 
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