On 25/05/2011 14:31, richardvo...@gmail.com wrote:
> On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 6:50 AM, Shantanu Gadgil
> <shantanugad...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> I am a fan of dnsmasq and use it a lot.
>> The web-server idea doesn;t sound half-bad, now that PXELINUX has
>> HTTP support (syslinux-4.10-pre14+) to load the kernel and initrd images
> There are already plenty of lightweight embedded web servers.  What do
> you see as the advantage of putting it inside dnsmasq?  Is the web
> content going to include dnsmasq-internal information such as the dhcp
> lease table, dns cache, cache statistics, etc?

I tend to agree

Now, the next question is perhaps, what is the lightest weight and most
dependency free simply http server?  For example I have a server that I
want to add to the ntp pool and one of their requests is that any http
request to that IP is responded to with a redirect to the main
http://pool.ntp.org website - trivial and desperately in need of a super
lightweight server?

I can think of busybox's server. Probably there are some trivial perl
scripts (but I would want to hear they weren't exploitable...).  Any
other ideas for a trivial lightweight http server? Minimal logging, 301
redirects and static file serving being the only requirements - non
conforming to non mainstream http request headers completely acceptable...


Ed W

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