From: dns-operations <> on behalf of Joe 
Abley <>
Date: Saturday, April 27, 2024 at 02:50
To: Warren Kumari <>
Cc: " Operations" 
Subject: [Ext] Re: [dns-operations] A request for "data"

>It's a big Internet. There is a lot of surprising stuff in it. I find it's 
>usually a mistake to imagine that anybody knows
>how all of it works just because they know how some of it works. Thinking the 
>opposite and turning over rocks
>can reveal some interesting things.

(Apparently, this became a run-on email as I thought about Joe’s message.)

That last point is why I’m asking.

I’m facing a dilemma.

On the one hand, accommodating and enabling a diverse set of possible 
operational models is a noble goal.  Avoiding “one way of addressing something” 
leads to a more resilient and vibrant system.  Resisting a natural progression 
of “economies of scale” to be uniform in manner potentially pays off in the 
long run if the uniform approach caves in under its own weight.  Coincidently, 
I am reading through an article on “rewilding the Internet” on this, the URL 
appeared in RIPE mailing list, reinforcing that notion.

On the other hand, securing an operational platform is greatly challenged when 
the requirements are wide open, when the set of permissible actions is large.  
Deciding whether a state of the system is “safe” or “at risk” or “in abuse” is 
increasingly difficult as the number of states grows.  This encourages 
monoculture, which is seen as root cause of many historic collapses, but is 
driven by some operational experiences I’ve come across.

I’ve been reeling from a comment made to me a few months ago by a long-time 
operator of a ccTLD.  “Complexity causes consolidation.” This was said in the 
context that the more complex a protocol is, the fewer experts there will be 
who can deploy and operate it, which results in consolidation.  As an example, 
the world of email, it’s gotten so hard to run that relying on a commercial 
email provider is recommended.

Another “bon mot” I heard from a management figure in the past is “I don’t want 
any more Swiss army knives” while addressing a development team.  The issue was 
that the team had been spending time on general solutions to what they thought 
were problems while the operational staff needed specific solutions to tasks at 
hand, resulting in wasted efforts and mishaps at the operational terminals.  My 
takeaway from that is that, to support operations, protocols, and the tools to 
deploy them, need to get simpler, more specific.

This is a bit of the division of macroeconomics vs. microeconomics at play.  
Sometimes what’s best for a society is not the same thing as what’s best for a 
specific player.  “Grazing of the commons” is probably an embodiment of this 

Along a different dimension is the distinction between vulnerabilities 
discovered “via packets” - that is an active attack detected by looking at 
server logs and activity - versus a vulnerability discovered by a study of a 
system’s design.  The former represents a current event, one needing attention 
as harm is being done.  The latter represents a threat that hasn’t 
materialized.  It’s clear that the former needs action, there would be an 
immediate payoff, the latter may or may not deserve action as it is not known 
whether a malicious actor has been aware of the possibility or has been aware 
and decided there was no reason to exploit it.

This is different, it’s not “Swiss army knives” and “consolidation” but knowing 
where to work.  It’s certainly more important to address issues that will have 
a tangible benefit versus issues that may be purely theoretical.  Sometimes you 
need to let a situation become a “festering wound” before treating it if only 
because at that point it will be clearer what the treatment ought to be.  (I 
learned that very early in my career.)

I realize that conceptually trust anchors can play a role and in cases just as 
Joe listed in his email.  The question is whether these situations were playing 
out anywhere or perceived to be a future threat.  My hypothesis is that if 
trust anchors only matter for the root of a DNS namespace (“a namespace” as a 
nod to networks that are separate from the global public Internet) then how 
they are defined, implemented, managed, and deployed could be much simpler than 
the general-purpose solutions we now have.  So, for now, I’m looking for any 
case where trust anchors are in use (outside of the root zone).

…with a parting shot at that old DLV service…while it was in place, it got very 
little love, less that it deserved in my book…
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