I know in our fancy pants nominum s/w we run at cox I add the
line "managed-keys" and like magic we're pulling 5011 automagic maintained.

got time later today? I am open

On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 11:58 AM Edward Lewis <edward.le...@icann.org>

> An open question...
> Is anyone aware of any use of Automated Updates of DNS Trust Anchors,
> documented in RFC 5011, in the last 5 years or so?  Does anyone know of a
> zone (other than the root) that documents or publicizes a reliance on
> Automated Updates?
> For the record, the last time a ccTLD published a revoked SEP key was
> April 9, 2019 (this was not the revocation of the root zone KSK but a TLD's
> KSK), so I know that none of the TLDs have completed an Automated Updates
> roll since then.
> I have no historical data below the TLD level, so I'm seeking anecdotal
> evidence of reliance on Automated Updates anywhere (else) in the global
> public Internet.  I doubt there is any, but that is based on absolutely no
> data and personal assumptions.
> Private replies are fine...I'm not trying to name operators, just evaluate
> the mechanism's adoption.
> Ed Lewis
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