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Whether only selected RSPs will be allowed to run gTLD operations, or winning
bidder will have a freedom to choice the TLD operator outside of this list also
Please forgive my ignorance if any on this topic.
Gaurav Kansal
> On 22-Feb-2024, at 03:51, andy.new...@icann.org wrote:
> ICANN will soon be launching its next round of gTLD applications. As part of
> the program to launch new gTLDs, ICANN will be evaluating and publishing a
> list of Registry Service Providers (RSPs). These organizations fulfill the
> critical, technical services necessary to implement and operate a gTLD. RSPs
> evaluated through ICANN’s program will be eligible to offer these services to
> one or more gTLDs.
> The RSP Evaluation program will support evaluating DNS and DNSSEC RSPs
> (typically known as DNS providers) allowing gTLDs to select them.
> All organizations are eligible to become an RSP, regardless of past
> experience with gTLD services. ICANN plans to publish RSP application
> materials for public comments early March, and final versions in May. The RSP
> application process is expected to begin in the last quarter of 2024.
> If you are interested in becoming an RSP (for DNS, DNSSEC, or any other
> critical registry function), please consider participating in the
> conversations taking place within the ICANN process.
> The details of the RSP evaluation program are currently under discussion
> within the Subsequent Procedures Implementation Review Team (IRT)
> (https://community.icann.org/x/pQM5Dg). To participate in the IRT, complete
> his form: https://forms.gle/GF1VoywZ2FGKbzNQA. Additionally, ICANN plans to
> publish the RSP application materials for public comment
> (https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment) in March 2024.
> --
> Andy Newton
> Principal Engineer
> GDS Technical Services, ICANN
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