ICANN will soon be launching its next round of gTLD applications. As part of 
the program to launch new gTLDs, ICANN will be evaluating and publishing a list 
of Registry Service Providers (RSPs). These organizations fulfill the critical, 
technical services necessary to implement and operate a gTLD. RSPs evaluated 
through ICANN’s program will be eligible to offer these services to one or more 

The RSP Evaluation program will support evaluating DNS and DNSSEC RSPs 
(typically known as DNS providers) allowing gTLDs to select them. 

All organizations are eligible to become an RSP, regardless of past experience 
with gTLD services. ICANN plans to publish RSP application materials for public 
comments early March, and final versions in May. The RSP application process is 
expected to begin in the last quarter of 2024.

If you are interested in becoming an RSP (for DNS, DNSSEC, or any other 
critical registry function), please consider participating in the conversations 
taking place within the ICANN process.

The details of the RSP evaluation program are currently under discussion within 
the Subsequent Procedures Implementation Review Team (IRT) 
(https://community.icann.org/x/pQM5Dg). To participate in the IRT, complete his 
form: https://forms.gle/GF1VoywZ2FGKbzNQA. Additionally, ICANN plans to publish 
the RSP application materials for public comment 
(https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment) in March 2024.

Andy Newton
Principal Engineer
GDS Technical Services, ICANN

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