
On 11/6/22 14:07, aitor wrote:

I started documenting libudev-compat in my website as part of the documentation 
about vdev:
This documentation is a work in progress.

Jude Nelson was wondering whether or not is possible to use `sendfile(2)`:

   *ssize_t sendfile(int */out_fd/*, int */in_fd/*, off_t **/offset/*, size_t 
*/count/*); *

in the function:

   static int udev_monitor_fs_push_event( int fd, struct udev_monitor* monitor 

of the file:


If you read his comment between the lines 759-771:

   // send the contents of a file containing a serialized packet to the libudev 
   // * read the contents
   // * send it along to the receiving struct udev_monitor
   // NOTE: The file format is expected to be the same as a uevent packet:
   //       * all newlines (\n) will be converted to null (\0), since that's how
   //         the kernel sends it.
   //       * the buffer is expected to be at most 8192 bytes long.
   // return 0 on success
   // return -errno on failure
   // return -EMSGSIZE if the file is too big
   // return -EBADMSG if the file is invalid
   // return -EAGAIN if we'd block on send
   // TODO: can we use sendfile(2)?

The use of `sendfile` would imply to convert the function below (used by 

   // send udev_device along
   // TODO: sendfile(2)?
   rc = udev_monitor_send_device( monitor, NULL, dev );
   if( rc < 0 ) {

      log_error("udev_monitor_send_device rc = %d", rc );


   else {

      rc = 0;


into something like this:

   off_t offset = 0;
   // send file descriptor
   rc = sendfile( monitor->sock_fs, fd, &offset, BUFSIZ );
   if( rc < 0 ) {
      rc = -errno;
      log_error("udev_monitor_send_device rc = %d", rc );
   else {
      rc = 0;

Other modifications would be required in the receiver side, of course.

According to the description in the Linux Man Page:


*sendfile*() copies data between one file descriptor and another.
Because this copying is done within the kernel,*sendfile*() is
more efficient than the combination ofread(2)  
<https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/read.2.html>  andwrite(2)  
which would require transferring data to and from user space.

Well, I've been trying to make such improvement in libudev-compat, and 
appearently it's working fine.
So, I'll update my git repository soon.

... And again: if you catch some inaccuracy or glaring error in my 
please let me know and I'll update it.

Thanks in advance,


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