Hi Didier,

On 8/1/17 22:22, Didier Kryn <k...@in2p3.fr> wrote:
      As far as I understand, Vdev goes beyond being an alternative to
Systemd-Udev: it also aims at providing the possibility to give a
per-process view of the device special files - I personnaly haven't any
need of that. Its implementation differs strongly from Udev, which makes
it necessary to have a different library for applications (libudev-compat).

      For what regards complexity, I cannot tell which one is the most
complicated. The biggest problem for me is that none of these tools has
set an obvious standard on how to pass information from the hotplugger
to the applications invoking the library.

The post I'm replying to is extremely outdated, but it's related to what I'm 
doing right now.
I started documenting libudev-compat in my website as part of the documentation 
about vdev:


The documentation is a work in progress. If I'm mistaken on some point, please, 
let me know.

Next step will be to explain why Jude Nelson suggests the use of eventfs:

https://github.com/jcnelson/eventfs  <https://github.com/jcnelson/eventfs>

in libudev-compat clients.

Another issue is that the
library provides functions for the use of the hotplugger itself and
functions for external applications, and it is not obvious which subset
is destinated to external applications.

Yes, it is obvious. The subset destinated to external applications is indeed 
public, and the
following list include them all:

You'll find the prefix _public_ in their implementation.

Feedback on the documentation is welcome, of course!



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