Le 10/03/2022 à 18:52, Hendrik Boom a écrit :
On the other hand, mdadm also is not a
piece of cake but I can find my way with it and I have developped a graphics monitoring tool for it, actually a little web server displaying the status
of all the host's md RAIDs.
That looks useful.
I already have a web server.
Is it possible to easily configure this thing so it provides content to an existing web server?

    Diskweb is a minimal web server providing two tables:

    - the status of md RAID devices

    - the occupancy of mounted filesystems

    - an index file containing links to the 2 above.

If you want to aglomerate contents from various web services, I recommend installing Nginx. Nginx is a very nice web server and reverse-proxy. It is relatively easy to configure and is designed to be the front-end to other servers, wether http, https, cgi-bin and fcgi-bin. One possible role is as an https front-end merging data from http or fcgi-bin servers either local or in LAN.

A few years ago I set up such a service in which one of the pages was merging RAID status tables from 5 diskweb servers in the LAN.

I think it makes sense to separate raw content production (like diskweb does) and polished presentation.

--     Didier

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