
On 10/3/22 8:41, Didier Kryn wrote:

  Not packaged. Debian packaging is something I was never able to
achieve and I prefer devoting my time to more fruitfull trasks, given my
skills. I can send you diskweb.tgz, the size of which is 16K. It is
trivial to build. It monitors both md RAIDs and the level of occupation
of the filesystems. RAID data is read from devices' representation in
/sys/devices/virtual/block, and the display is made attractive by the
use of colors and svg graphics. I wrote this more than a dozen years ago
and never touched it since that time. It's running on our home Desktop.
     Note that the location /sys/devices/virtual/block is not granted to
stay the same place in the future, but this location is easy to change
in the source in case kernel people change their mind.
     If more people are interested I might put it on Devuan git.

If you decide to push it to devuan git, I would try to build the packages.


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