
Steve Litt <sl...@troubleshooters.com> writes:

> [...]
> I asked them to change it and they said "no problem, you change it at
> the Grub prompt." So I tried, but they'd set the console font to about 6
> point gray on black. I asked them to change the console font and they
> said I should change it, even though it was clear I couldn't change
> what I can't read.

This reminds me of GRUB's "dark" theme which I discovered by accident,
playing around with the installer's advanced options.  Forgot which one
but the GRUB theme itself is pretty simple

 - black background
 - white text
 - yellow text for the current selection

I actually liked that better than the default blue/grey/white.  Maybe
the Devuan installer should use it ...

About not being able to change what you can't read, a screenreader might
be able to solve that but I don't think it's something seeing folks
would be comfortable using, let alone set up when cannot even see what
you're doing ;-)

Hmm, I should take another look at screenreaders.  They might help me
read Japanese a bit more easily.  I can see it alright but sometimes I
just don't know how to read (pronounce) characters.  Hearing it might
help prevent a trip to the dictionary ...

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen                    FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
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