On Wed, Jan 19, 2022 at 02:08:12PM -0700, Bob Proulx via Dng wrote:
> goli...@devuan.org wrote:
> > Lars Noodén wrote:
> > > What quality of display(s) and color calibration are required?
> > 
> > In all the years I have been doing this, that question has never entered my
> > mind and I have no idea how to even begin answering it. I do "eye" art not
> > "machine" art. I can perceive even one increment change in a hex.
> > 
> > Problem is . . . no one can know exactly what color another person is
> > seeing. Add to that the vagaries of the monitor and . . .
> > 
> > I don't know if a screenshot would capture the hex or what's showing on your
> > monitor but maybe you could give it a try for the chimaera desktop and let
> > us have a look.
> I just want to comment that I have two identical model displays side
> by side in a dual monitor configuration on my desktop.  Both are
> identical as far as any model vendor and number are concerned.  Yet
> side by side it is pretty obvious to me that they have a difference in
> color tone between them.  They are definitely not the same even though
> by specification they will be the same.
> The first order difference in my two monitors I think is that the
> backlight is not identical between them.  One shows a slightly warmer
> color hue to the backlight from the other.  I think that swamps other
> effects causing differences in my "matched pair".
> None of this really has any effect on how nice a color theme looks on
> the displays though.  That's an art project more than a science project.
> Bob
It's nice if the desktop colours look good on a perfectly calibrated monitor.
But what's more important for it to look good on the variety of monitors
regular users use.
So we should test the imagery on the ordinary, everyday laptops and
monitors we have at home and work.
And it's important the the colours work even if one is colourblind.
I'd suggest viewing it converted to greyscale as a first try at testing
this, bt a friend of mine who is colourblind tells me it's far more
complicated than this. 

-- hendrik

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