On 1/3/22 6:10 AM, Florian Zieboll via Dng wrote:
Hallo Hendrick,
just another possibility: If there's no intermediate print server,
grepping your local '/etc/cups/printers.conf' for 'DeviceURI' will
reveal the printer's IP address resp. its hostname as well.
Libre Grüße,
Dng mailing list
If your router has a fixed address table, different routers seem to name
this differently, set the MAC address of the printer to a fixed IP. Some
routers require that this address be outside the DHCP range, others
within it. Read your routers documentation. For my Linksys AC1200-WRT,
the table is called a static lease. Since my router also honors DDNS, I
can also name a network client. I do this static lease for all permanent
clients on my LAN.
William (Bill) Moss
Those who will not reason, are bigots,
those who cannot, are fools,
and those who dare not, are slaves.
Lord Byron
Justice will not be served until those who are
unaffected are as outraged as those who are.
Benjamin Franklin
When the people fear the government there is
tyranny, when the government fears the people
there is liberty.
John Basil Barnhill
Dng mailing list