On 1/1/22 3:07 PM, Hendrik Boom wrote:
I installed CUPS a part of the standard istall long ago.
I had no trouble configuring it back the to talk sweet to me printer.
Worked fine.  Bu tnow it doesn't.

The printer seems to hae changed its IP number.
Now I can tell it explicitly what IP numder to use by entering stuff in its
physical control panel.  So all I should have to do is to set its IP number to
whatever CUPS (now unsuccessfuly) uses to talk to it.

What I don't know is how to get CUPS to tell me what IP number it currently 
belongs to the printer.

There should be some simple way of asking CUPS to tell me this.

-- hendrik

Dng mailing list

If you go into the cups web control panel at


if it is on the local machine


http://WHATEVER_THE_CUPS SERVER_NAME_IS:631/printers/?

if it is on another machine


select the appropriate printer and you should see a

Connection socket://address

which would be the address of the printer

As an alternative you can try:

sudo grep PRINTER_QUEUE_NAME /etc/cups/printers.conf

on the machine running cups

Hope this helps


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