On 11/19/21 05:29, Peter Duffy wrote:

I'd be grateful for thoughts and comments.

Welp, I've been a nix admin long enough that I still have some Redhat 5.1 CDs around here 
somewhere.. back from when Redhat wasn't such a corporate pr#ck. I see Devuan in the 
exact same place Linux was all through the late 90s. A stable OS "made by geeks, for 
geeks" and used by people who have more than just passive awareness of the OS.

Back then, the discussion went something like: "Nobody wants to run Linux because 
this has a much better interface. Yeah, It sh#ts itself sometimes, but there's a patch in 
the works for that exact issue. Who wants to sit there and type all those stupid commands 
like I'm sitting at some thin client from 1980? Bawhahahaaha!"

Imagine.. Powershell... two decades later. And typing stupid commands into a 
terminal window from the 80s is now the cool thing people are getting hired for.

It will take some time for people to grow tired enough of all the systemic 
problems systemd creates. It's trying to do too much for the sake of domination 
and simple things are broken because of it. It causes outages and downtime. When
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