Dear Андрей,

Am Samstag, 24. Oktober 2020 schrieb Андрей via Dng:
> Hello.
> On the last update of the kernel (5.9.0), nvidia-legacy-340xx driver
> would not compile because of some headers are missing. I have

I have had this experience a couple of times while upgrading. The 
linux-headers for an updated kernel version don't seem to get installed 
by dependency. The kernel is not really being updated, but the new 
version is installed additionally. I've been surprised ever again by 

Error! echo
Your kernel headers for kernel 4.19.0-12-amd64 cannot be found at
or /lib/modules/4.19.0-12-amd64/source.

Installing the matching linux-headers solves it.


Kind regards,

(@Андрей PS: sorry for the unintended private reply)
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