TL;DR: YouTube-dl DMCA
---- The RIAA successfully applied a DMCA takedown to GitHub (Microsoft) for an archivism program which downloads YouTube video/audio (although it does target other services). I expect that YouTube will obfuscate the way it delivers content so as to make the existing youtube-dl release (and other similar software) nonfunctional (perhaps only for a time). Curiously there was recently a bit of drama and then a fork (also DMCA'd) over the problem of urgent youtube-dl pull requests being left unreviewed. I have no proof for this instance, but I've always maintained that controlled forks, or for a few thousand dollars the right developers, could be made to drag their feet and damage FOSS alternatives / etc; it might be cheaper than lawyers, FUD, lobbyists etc. The developer(s) are alive and its website still has a download, but they're a hair away from being targeted more directly. Sure there have been "protest forks" already, but that alone doesn't mean anything unless efforts centre around one in particular. Where other people will be focused on the code, I'm concerned about the documentation. All of the wikis, pull requests, inline code-comments, issues and their conversation have been purged. (Not many people even think to clone a project's separate GitHub wiki repository.) But back to YouTube itself. The inability to download videos will have an impact in that "inconvenient" videos can't so easily be kept, fair-use commentated-upon, and (re-)uploaded. Everyday people wouldn't be able to signal boost or contribute to a Streisand effect, making videos (and people) easier to memoryhole. GitHub is obviously untrustworthy for mirrors/forks. These are likely to stay up longer: _______________________________________________ Dng mailing list