On 2020-09-12 15:28, Steve Litt wrote:
Hi all,

I think Devuan might want to "put back" POSIX commands Debian has
removed (but provides packages for). See the following thread from


Lennart Poettering has repeatedly and with certainty let us know he has
no use for POSIX. I guess now the Debian project is acting as his proxy
in this matter.

Did you notice the one guy who said it would be "it would be 'rude' to
impose something wanted by only a part of the users"?

Personally, if my operating system doesn't come, as a baseline, with
vi, ed, cut, grep, sed, awk, bc, dc, diff, dd, df, du, fg, head, tail,
and the like, then it isn't an OS I'd want to use. The fact that an OS
isn't certified POSIX is no excuse for deliberately leaving out easily
included POSIX programs and features.

Is it possible for Devuan to "put back" what Debian sabotaged?



Probably. Are you going to volunteer to do/oversee that? That would be the best way to ensure that it happens.

This article was posted on irc a few days ago. It might, in part, explain why packages/features are being dropped from Debian. If Debian can't find developers, what do you think Devuan's future holds?

DPL: Debian project has plenty of money but not enough developers
Project leader Jonathan Carter explains problems facing this key Linux distro

Beyond Debian/Devuan, this is a challenge for the future of community-provided free software.


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