On Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 04:57:18PM +0100, Rowland penny via Dng wrote:

> It is extremely slow, but I am unsure just how slow, but 3-4 times slower
> sounds about right.

> If the drive is never plugged into a Windows machine, then there is no point
> in it being formatted as NTFS. 

I do not have clients. I'm well past life expectancy, and so I need to 
know that my grandchildren can simply plug the drive into a Windows 
machine or Mac to access the files.

> , but it would be better formatted with ext4 or another Linux
> filesystem.

Yes, for sure. If you are right about the speed difference between 
NTFS and ext4, then is there another FS that can be accessed by a 
Windows machine that is not much slower than ext4?

Haines Brown  
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