On 2019-11-24 06:16, Denis Roio wrote:
On Sat, 23 Nov 2019, Andrew McGlashan via Dng wrote:
I have tried ASCII 2.0 -- but it looks like there is a new 2.1
version just about to be announced?
yes, there is a 2.1 ready and most of it is thanks to the passionate
work of volunteers, among the few fsmithred, rrq, golinux,
centuriondan and evilham. I believe there wouldn't be this point
release without them.
One major omission . . . a shout out to LeePen who is doing a lion's
share of the work setting up the new buildhost(s) on devuan
infrastructure over which Devuan devs will have control. Once completed,
Beowulf can move forward. Here are his notes from the last meet. LeePen
has also been active promoting init diversity within Debian:
### LeePen
New Devuan infra status:
#### jenkins
- Running on jenkins.devuan.dev.
- Has existing buildhosts plus 4 new (i386, amd64, arm64 and armhf;
armel is wip)
- Issues with importing existing users. Can people with ci.devuan.org
logins please try them on jenkins.devuan.dev and report back?
##### still to do:
- import current jobs from ci.devuan.org (if this is possible?)
- #devuan-ci output: same channel new nickname or new channel?
- get releasebot to send it some jobs for testing.
- backups?
#### dak
- installed on devuan ganeti host.
- existing package archive imported.
##### still to do:
- resolve issues with built-using dependencies (only affects
- lots of cruft to clean out.
- cron jobs.
- send jenkins jobs output to new dak (I think this is releasebot
again). In parallel with production dak for testing?
- get amprolla(s) to use new dak.
- consider merge of current debian git HEAD.
- backups?
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