On Sun, Oct 14, 2018 at 02:45:07AM -0500, goli...@dyne.org wrote:
> And OT do I even need avahi installed at all?

What is it needed for?

> OK.  I am a complete idiot and ignored the dot in the filename so didn't
> even see the resolv.conf file.  This is what's in it:
> domain austin.rr.com

Is this the fully qualified domain name for the machine this file resides in,
or the domain name that something has to be prefixed to to get that fqdn?

> search austin.rr.com

Is this what gets prefixed to every non-qualified domain name in the 
search attempt so as to allow abbreviated short names?
Is it possibe to just say
    search .
to disallow abbreviated names?

> nameserver
> nameserver

-- hendrik
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