On 2018-10-13 22:22, mett wrote:
On 2018年10月14日 10:59:54 JST, Hendrik Boom <hend...@topoi.pooq.com>
On Sat, Oct 13, 2018 at 05:30:56PM -0500, goli...@dyne.org wrote:
On 2018-10-13 09:05, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2018 14:21:19 -0500
> goli...@dyne.org wrote:
> > Greetings everyone,
> >
> > Something funny is going on with my networking. It's taking a
> > long time to resolve host IPs across all browsers. It's been
> > happening for a week or two but I'm just now getting annoyed
> > to troubleshoot.
> Me too. I just noticed it about a month ago when I installed my own
> Unbound resolver instead of just sending all queries to
> Somebody later in this thread mentions that you shouldn't judge
> resolution time by what the browser says. A few tests with dig and
> nslookup tell me that with most domains I've never hit before (or
> have expired since I hit them), resolution usually takes less than
> second.
> In my case, I'm temporarily assuming that before installing my own
> resolver I never noticed how much of slow browser loading was due
> browser's inefficient dns operations.
> SteveT
I have some food for thought to share but first an update. A
came out today to check the line and setup. Line was clear and
Switched the modem and now getting 256 down. But . . . internet is
very slow to connect as verified by several of you. Once it gets to
it's going, it is really fast. So here's my conclusion . . .
I think we are finally seeing the effects of the demise of Net
Corporations are raking in a lot of money streaming videos to every
imaginable device and the tech sites that I/we frequent are a low
So we are being bumped to the slow lane. Aaron Swartz and others saw
coming and it has finally arrived. Will be interesting to see just
how bad
it's going to get . . .
Have you tried timing connection time to sites that likely *are* in
fast lane? Do we even now what they are?
-- hendrik
a fast way if u re living in the EU would be to try a european site as
net neutrality is still en vigueur there.
if same phenomen there(net slow),
then it s definitely smtg else.
But personally i would try more troubleshooting first like :
- ping all the gateways u found on ur
traceroute results(starting w/ the nearest ur terminal)
- try some options to traceroute or ping
to get an answer even from the gateways
that dont answer to icmp, like sending tcp or udp packets.
Alas, I am in the belly of the beast of darkness.
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