On 2018-09-10 20:51, Hendrik Boom wrote:
On Sun, Sep 09, 2018 at 10:04:28AM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
I was going to use this email message as a reference in some
documentation I'm writing,  but this email is not in the mail archive,
or at least I can't find it there. The archive seems to contain no
messaged from 8/8/2018 through 8/16/2008.


Are the missing messages available on gmane using usenet protocols?

-- hendrik

It seems the same ones are missing here. I was unable to find the mail announcing the fork on 2014-11-27. I assume it pulls from mailman. But perhaps your search fu is better than mine:


We need to find a mail list server and archiver that works. Suggestions are welcome.

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