Hi KatolaZ,
El 12/06/18 a las 09:52, KatolaZ escribió:
great work! Is there a chance to have it also for ASCII and/or
Yes, there is. I'll begin working on the repo of ascii as soon as
possible. This week i'll update the website publishing the releases of
jessie and also the sources of the live-sdk for gnuinos. I'll document
the live-sdk in dev1galaxy for other distros like EterTics, Star...
After that, i'll begin working on ascii. Probably udev-compat will need
some updates. It would also be interesting to bring in newlisp, for
updates of the vdev's hardware database. The compilation of udev rules
is performed by means of a newlisp script, named compile-udev-rules.lsp.
Is there any packaging of newlisp somewhere?
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