On Mon, 11 Jun 2018 08:16:14 +0000, aitor_czr wrote in message 

> Hi all,
> You can test runit and vdev downloading the following image:
> http://gnuinos.org/gnuinos%20jessie/

..I went up a step to http://gnuinos.org/index.php/en/ and found:
"100% free operating system (there is not private software included in
it).", where you probably meant to say: "100% free operating system
(there is no proprietary software included with it)." or somesuch,
i.e. s/private/proprietary/ or somesuch. 

> There are still some bugs pending to be fixed:
> - In live mode, the terminal (sakura in this case) doesn't work (this
> is due to vdev and it's not related with runit). It works only for
> root. You'll need to shutdown the system by the following way: open
> sakura as root (gksudo sakura) and type "runit-init 0"

..if I first go "telinit S", and then go "runit-init S"?
Would it work to go from sysv to runinit? (Tech Q)
Should it work to go from sysv to runinit? (Policy Q)

> - I'm not sure but i think that sudo doesn't work within a virtual
> tty.
> - After a hard disk installation, a change is needed in the grub 
> (sysvinit is also present for now). At grub menu type ‘e’ and append 
> init=/sbin/runit-init to the kernel line read as follows:
> linux/boot/vmlinuz-3.16.0-4-amd64 
> root=UUID=d6ff61e9-ddbc-458a-ad4e-e1664953f69d ro
> init=/sbin/runtit-init

..and to switch between vdev and e.g. eudev, a new vdev-install.sh?
vdev-0.1.2 can only switch between vdev and udev.

> or so... And then, press ctrl+x to boot the modified boot definition. 
> I'll try to fix this point rebuilding the grub.
> Happy hacking <3
>    Aitor.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.
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