On 05.05.18 05:32, Andrew McGlashan wrote:
> But whilst I still can, I'll at least run my own servers and rely on the
> "cloud" as little as possible.  Librem 5 phone coming next year for me.

If there isn't an ARM board sufficiently free of remote control
parasitic low level engines, then perhaps there's a RISC-V offering in
the pipeline with a little luck.

> Opting out of the big 5 is also very much something I would like to do:
> 1. Google (including Android)
> 2. Apple
> 3. Microsoft (including LinkedIn, Skype and other privacy nightmares)
> 4. Amazon (including AWS)
> 5. Facebook
> Oh and Twitter would make it six...

Anyone who has succumbed to Twitterface has only himself to blame. (I
offer no sympathy.) And having not possessed a M$ box in more than 30
years of using computers, I feel that it is a weakness to allow them
into one's professional life as well. (I took my second fat redundancy
when management said "There's no point offering you M$ training, is

But Google is free to push a few paid offerings to the top of search
results, and I appreciate any insight it gains from my search history.
Designing the off-grid house I'm building has involved quite a bit of
research, and a bunch of standards and commercial datasheets have gone
into it. OK, only some of the books came from Amazon, the rest from
CSIRO, but so long as the price is good, I'm agnostic.

I will add one, though. I _really_ don't want my solar inverter to be
net connected, so it can go down because of some damn network worm or
manufacturer cock-up. I'll take my datalogging over RS485, thank you.

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