Am 2018-03-14 20:50, schrieb Chillfan:
This is one of the best tear downs of dbus I've seen.
The thinking seems to be based purely on trends, e.g "You guys are
going with dbus, right? OK let's do that." even if it makes no sense
for the use case.
I'm exactly with you! Last year I tried a switch to FreeBSD, because I
was not satisfied with Linux. In german we say "Too many cooks spoil the
broth". That's what I feel with Linux. In FreeBSD you can compile all
packages from source. I was shocked seeing the compilation of a stupid
browser takes a multiple of time than the whole rest of the system! Can
someone explain, why a stupid web browser takes more resources than the
whole kernel and user space of a unix system? Whats going wrong there???
I think we should stop this madness! Back to the roots!
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