El 27/08/17 a les 11:08, Martin Steigerwald ha escrit:
> Narcis Garcia - 27.08.17, 09:59:
>> El 26/08/17 a les 19:57, Didier Kryn ha escrit:
>>> Le 26/08/2017 à 19:02, Alessandro Selli a écrit :
>>>     With my proposed solution, the admin has the choice to refer to nics
>>> by their interface name, as given by the kernel, which is fine when
>>> there is only one, or by their MAC address, if there are several. If you
>>> use MAC you get the same result as with current Devuan's udev renaming
>>> scheme -without the race - and if you use eth0 then you get the same
>>> result as if you disabled renaming. And you can mix things if you like
>>> in /etc/interfaces, eg use wlan0 for wifi and MAC for the Ethernets; it
>>> isn't a decisipon of the distro; it is up to the admin. Just like for
>>> partitions. Simplicity and choice, that's Unix, isn't it :-)
>> This is exactly what the 'mactoname' service allows.
> A maintainer/developer of ifupdown implemented this also there. Its standard 
> in Debian Sid now, that you can use MAC addresses in /e/n/i to address 
> interfaces.
> There has been a huge and long thread on debian-devel about naming of network 
> interfaces that triggered a maintainer of ifupdown to implement this new 
> feature.
> See manpage interfaces(5) on Debian Sid under PATTERN MATCHING INTERFACES.
> For thread see:
> Debian 9 in a VM with Proxmox 5 system =>
> Naming of network devices
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2017/07/threads.html#00115
> And here is the the mail about the MAC address pattern matching that Guus 
> Sliepen implemented:
> https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2017/07/msg00265.html
> But as Adam who replied to this mail then is on this list, it may be that he 
> mentioned all of this already… however how can I know in a thread that goes 
> about everything and the universe.
> Thanks,

Thanks for references; then mactoname is really useful for these cases:
From Sarge to Stretch/Ascii (not next Debian versions)
+ Cases without ifupdown.
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