El 26/08/17 a les 19:57, Didier Kryn ha escrit:
> Le 26/08/2017 à 19:02, Alessandro Selli a écrit :

>     With my proposed solution, the admin has the choice to refer to nics
> by their interface name, as given by the kernel, which is fine when
> there is only one, or by their MAC address, if there are several. If you
> use MAC you get the same result as with current Devuan's udev renaming
> scheme -without the race - and if you use eth0 then you get the same
> result as if you disabled renaming. And you can mix things if you like
> in /etc/interfaces, eg use wlan0 for wifi and MAC for the Ethernets; it
> isn't a decisipon of the distro; it is up to the admin. Just like for
> partitions. Simplicity and choice, that's Unix, isn't it :-)

This is exactly what the 'mactoname' service allows.
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