On Sun, 20 Aug 2017 21:30:00 -0700
Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> However_, even given that, in my experience any reshuffle
> USB would add to the _existing_ devices' node assignments would occur
> only at reboot time _if_ you left the USB device plugged in. 

Personal experience: I run an IPCop box as a firewall for my LAN, using three 
USBtoRJ45 interfaces in an attempt to reduce the motherboard damage from 
thunderstorms (I live in Darkest Paraguay).

The local electricity system is not all that reliable, and even with a UPS the 
box gets rebooted several times a week.

In around ten years of use I have never had the problem of USB/NIC assignment 
changing at reboot, except when I had to replace a burnt-out USBtoRJ45  ;-3(
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                         One must improvise as well.
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