On Fri, 14 Jul 2017 02:15:30 +0200
Dragan FOSS <dragan.f...@gmx.com> wrote:

> On 07/14/2017 01:38 AM, Rick Moen wrote:
> > I really do strongly recommend all of the above guidelines.  
> All in all, all of the above guidelines can be defined in one line:
> "Don't f*ck with admins, we have root privileges.." :D

At Santa Monica Community College Comp Sci department, my buddy Jeff
was about 2 years ahead of me in his studies. He was the Lab
Coordinator, higher position than any other student, lower only than a
couple career people. I was just an ordinary bright upcoming
student. Jeff and I liked to make trouble for each other, because.

It was a Prime computer running Primos and each student had a space
limited home directory, which gave us plenty of space to do our Pascal
and Cobol work. Under normal circumstances. By the way, Jeff had root,
I was just a normal student.

So one day it seemed like a great idea to set my login script to send:

Steve > Jeff

to Jeff's screen every time I logged in. He told me to take it out. I
told him, well, you know what I told him. And Jeff gave me constipation
of the Home Directory: He removed my deletion rights.

I reused files. I renamed files. I held out as long as I could. But
eventually I had to remove my login script broadcast and come crawling
to Jeff, tail between my legs, promising never to send automated
messages to his screen again. The lesson I learned, as so aptly put by
the philosopher Dragon FOSS, was

"Don't f*ck with admins, we have root privileges.."


Steve Litt 
July 2017 featured book: Quit Joblessness: Start Your Own Business
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