On 3/15/17 9:14 PM, Christopher Clements wrote:

The exact suggestion is here:

That is an excellent idea.  Would be great if someone got organized
enough to start a dialog with EVERY upstream dev individually and/or
collectively.  Unfortunately, that would be a mammoth task requiring
more time than most people could find.  I've done work like that on
various issues and know from experience, it is a full time job.

Perhaps just an open letter?

It seemed relatively simple until you brought up the issue of actually
contacting all the developers (without using debian-devel, most likely).
I only thought about one aspect of it, and now it seems like it would
be _impossible_ without using debian-devel or mass-mailing every single
developer (out of the question).

I tried raising the question on libreplanet-discuss - asking what uptream developers are doing now. Not a tremendous response, so far.

But maybe this would be a good workshop topic, or BOF session, at the upcoming libreplanet conference (sponsored by the Free Software Foundation) in Boston. It's coming up right spanking now (March 25-6), at MIT. An awful lot of open source upstream developers show up, and it's a good forum for discussion policy issues related to open source software. https://www.libreplanet.org/2017/

It might be a little late to organize a formal talk or panel session, but someone might want to give the organizers a call. BOFs are easy to setup - see https://libreplanet.org/wiki/LibrePlanet:Conference/2017

Everyone should also join FSF and the libreplanet-discuss list.

It's generally a good time, with good people. I'm not sure I'll be able to make it - I live in the area, but I'm currently in AZ for an extended period, helping my 96-year-old Dad settle into a new house - not sure if I'll be back in time.

Hopefully someone from the Devuan team will be there, and can organize something.

Miles Fidelman

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.  .... Yogi Berra

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