
Libsystemd0 can be shrunk in cases only a few exported functions are
needed. That is exactly what I did when systemd became mandatory in
Debian around two years ago.  I used tools like ld, nm and grep to
find which functions where used from libsystemd0. (See my howto on
forums.debian.net). Knowing the names of the functions I copied them
into a source file, obviously, wrote the exports statement and
compiled the resulting source file. Then, I used a symbolic link
pointing to tiny libsystemd0.

Now, someone may point fingers to denigrate what I wrote because it
may not look professional to their tastes. What counts is it worked
proving my logical evaluation was correct, irrespective of some
equating me to a pre-computing science child, notwithstanding I
produced an original package that works reliable using a technique
that no one used before.

Those who abuse me will be banned immediately from my email account:
you don't deserve to be listened to. This holds for everyone, Devuan
developer or not. Here, I am communicating with supposedly intelligent
adults who are responsible for their actions. They should know and
understand what they write. Many internet fora block such abuse
together with the abuser / bully.
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