Rick Moen <r...@linuxmafia.com> wrote:

> This is a bit silly

TBH, I'm finding most of your argument a bit silly too. So we might as well 
drop it

>> It comes back to - how much is it "programmers are lazy" vs how much
>> is "well actually it is real work".
> Please figure that out and report back to us.  I'll mail you a shiny
> pre-Ted Heath-era pre-decimalisation penny for your efforts.  ;->

As I've already said, I DON'T KNOW. I DON'T KNOW because I'm not a programmer 
(at least not in that sort of area). But I am interested for genuine reasons - 
and I recall someone else asking that as well.
I had hoped that someone here would know that - but I suspect they've all got 
bored and stopped reading this thread.

So, does anyone know if it's "hard" to use a library in a "see if it's there 
and don't use it if it isn't" way rather than "just use it and blow up if it's 
not there" which seems to be the norm ?

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