Simon Walter <> wrote:

> After some testing, I have a question about an option in 
> /etc/default/shorewall:
> wait_interface
> If I add the bridge interface to that line, shorewall will not start unless a 
> container is brought up. I suppose that is why I was thinking of bridging the 
> bridge inerface with a tap interface so that it's always available.
> It seems that bridges do not start with ifup (-a) unless one of their bridged 
> interfaces are up.

I don't think I've used "isolated" bridges so it's never come up for me. Do you 
need to specify wait_interface for it ?

> Or I could do as Mr. Hobson does and run shorewall in a container. Would that 
> actually be a more insulated "secure" approach?

"Security" is a relative thing, and depends on your priorities. Putting the 
firewall in it's own VM would improve isolation (the netfilter rules will be 
processed in the VM) - but the traffic still goes through the host Dom0. You 
can, AIUI, reduce this latter bit by running a separate driver domain to own 
the virtual interfaces and further insulate the traffic from Dom0.
You could also use PCI passthrough to make a NIC owned by a VM - so Dom0 
doesn't handle the packets.

But this all depends on your priorities (or level of paranoia !). I don't think 
handling the network traffic in Dom0 is "insecure" - just not as secure as if 
it doesn't handle it.

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