On 06/07/2016 05:45 AM, Jim Murphy wrote:
On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 2:23 PM, Klaus Hartnegg <hartn...@uni-freiburg.de> wrote:
All programmers please read this, and treat it as a list of things not to do.


Systemd manages to shoot itself in the foot, and in the elbow, and trigger a 
timebomb, all with one single bullet.
Did anyone follow the "systemd blob" link(within the above
mentioned link) and read any other points including -logind?

This apparently prompted a bug[1] on Debian that turned into a
somewhat long discussion within the bug messages.  It appears
that Debian wanted to turn on, as default, the clean-up feature on
logout. If I read it correctly it would kill background processes
when you log out.  This would result in killing, among other
things, a detached tmux process or a long running background
processes that in the past would have remained running.

So maybe the average user won't be concerned. :(

[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=825394

Yes, that "clean-up" feature was mentioned and discussed and pretty vomited on - for obvious reasons. Which is why, and I repeat myself, I am so thankful for everyone here. Not everyone drank the coolaid!
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