On Mon, 30 May 2016 17:15:54 +0200, Jaromil wrote in message 

> dear Arnt,
> On Mon, 30 May 2016, Arnt Karlsen wrote:
> > ..this far I'm only aware of political, military, monetary etc
> > power/might reasons why these zealots would want to subvert us, but
> > I dunno enough on the tech details on how, when and where they would
> > do that to us.
> I don't think anyone developing systemd is focusing at disrupting
> alternatives. when that happens, is only because of their myopic
> approach of rewriting and substituting everything that exists...

..no, they went into distros the banana republic politics way. 
And then we have those mission creepy next steps.

> > > why systemd-udev can subvert vdev. I'd be surprised to say the
> > > least.
> > 
> > ..then you are too damned naïve.  BTDT, still bleeding.
> ...so yea, I'm not aware of active subversion played by systemd, but
> I'd be happy to know about past episodes. They obviously don't care
> about anything else but their own success, but then I think we should
> limit ourselves to assume "good faith" and just call it ignorance,
> incompetence and arrogance.

..now that there, is ignorant denial.  "Lead your target, if you wanna
stop it from nuking you", is what I helped teach our AA gunners.

..the Norwegian political surveillance police chief is very explicit
for a secret service Norwegian officer, in todays Dagbladet.no:
http://www.dagbladet.no/kultur/tillit-kan-ikke-tas-for-gitt/60141390 or

..the Norwegian secret service tradition is the delay&deny-loop for
_years_ after the entire world knows they're doing it. ;o)
And "it's only against terrorism" and that creepy mission creep.

> Time will tell who was right, 

..you're betting on Edward Snowdon as the man behind systemd? ;o)
Would change _everything_.

> I think we
> are fighting pretty well our fight and that we should focus at making
> our own initiative better and finding more allies for it.

..aye, and meanwhile I agree it's wise to duck and evade enemy fire
instead of yahooing straight into it.

> > ..I should have said "packaged into .debs ready for user tests?",
> Parazyd is planning to package Openrc.
> vdev has alreadyscripts for packaging, but needs a maintainer I think.
> nothing else so far. I personally try them out installing from source.
> ciao

..ok, thanks.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.
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