On Wed, 18 May 2016 14:13:31 -1000, Joel Roth wrote:
> Hi,
> Having handled many of the issues relating to init system
> to the point of being able to release Devuan jessie beta,
> I wonder if Devuan community is ready to support action on
> other scourges of the linux on personal computer ecosystem.

Hrm. One's scourge might be another one's [redacted].  ^.^

> I am thinking specifically of three key mapping bugaboos:
> 1) CAPSLOCK key under console and X, should be mapped to Control
>    This mapping is compatible with most server
>    administrators preferences, prevents capslock-related mode
>    problems in vim.
>    If this default leads to angry bug reports, at least they will not be sent
>    in all caps ;-)

Please, no! As annoying as the CAPSLOCK key might be, I am 
all for the principle of least surprise - for the innocent 
non-expert user, that is. Please keep in mind many that 
people use their computer to do a *lot* of typing that is 
in no way related to programming, or hacking, or the like. 
(BTW, I usually reconfigure CAPS to act as the compose key, 
and never had a real use for Yet Another Ctrl Key.)

> 2) Terminate X via Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
>    Seems like an easy, useful, historic way to kill a malfunctioning X.

That would coincide with my preferences, but I dare not 
speculate about the usefulness for said casual user, or even 
what "least surprise" would mean in this case, so I'm 
indifferent. However, AIUI, Devuan strives to become the 
Universal OS™, not some niche system for the "1337". (Fun 
anecdote: I actually used C-M-BS to kill X two days ago, but 
haven't for years before.)

> 3) Disable Print key
>    All my uses have been unintentional. Does anyone use it deliberately?

-1 from me on that one. I for one use it quite a lot, in 
combination with various modifiers to achieve all sorts of 
screen shot actions. 

> My other wishlist items are:
> 4) No display manager by default
>    I think the community shouldn't coocoon naive users from
>    the console. The passing familiarity with the terminal
>    that comes with Learning to type username, password, startx
>    and Ctrl-Alt-Backspace (to terminate X) will help the user
>    if and when they ever have trouble with X.

-1. Again: think least surprise. The times when one had have to 
turn a crank to start a car engine and close a petrol tap to 
choke it later on, are gone for good. Those who want it know 
how and where to get it. Those who don't even know such things 
exist should not be bothered. IMVHO it should not be Devuan's 
mission to impose certain operating paradigms on users, but to 
give them choice. I'm for picking a sensible (read: common) 
default. (Oh, and the VTs are always just one keypress away, 

>    That X works so well most of the time, and without manual
>    configuration is a credit to xorg maintainers. 
>    Terminating X, and returning to the console would be
>    useful, for example, when fiddling with proprietary video
>    drivers.
> I'm sure these suggestions are naive for countless reasons,
> however my muse absolutely urges me to write to you all!

Nothing inherently wrong with that. Food for thought is not 
a bad thing. Also, interesting how much personal usage 
patterns deviate. (Still amazes me sometimes - even when 
after decades I think I have seen it all.)


DYM http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=HND  ???
If so: Gee, thanks, but I'll pass on that one, too.  ;^D


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