On 19/01/16 12:59, Nuno Magalhães wrote:
I have a VPS running whezzy (7.8) which was a little behind updates
before systemd hit the fan. It's used as a LAMP stack and i'm
wondering how easy would it be to upgrade it to devuan.
I had a debian vm laying around and remember i did just that and IIRC
it wasn't a big deal. Does anyone have fresh/recent input/tips?
Hello Nuno,
I guess it depends on what kind of VPS that you have.
I have 3 VPS', one KVM based and 2 Xen PV based. All of them are running
Devuan jessie and I don't experience any significant issues. I only had
some issues during the upgrade from Debian wheezy to Devuan jessie.
I just rented the KVM based VPS last month. I started the installation
with Debian wheezy 64 bit and cleaned up everything related to systemd,
mostly due to the use of eudev. I then upgraded to Devuan jessie. The
only glitch that I had experienced is that, the upgrade process removed
openssh-server and ssh packages. It also screwed up some packages. I was
not worry on KVM based VPS as I have full access via the console
including the access to the GRUB menu during boot.
I had issues on one of my Xen PV based VPS' last year that after the
upgrade I could not login any more to my VPS either via SSH or console,
so I had to re-image it a few times. I think that is mainly because of
the console on Xen PV based VPS has very minimal functionalities. A part
from that, I think the usage of GRUB legacy on Xen PV based VPS also
contributes to the locked up of my VPS. I tried to upgrade to GRUB2 but
I had some issues with that so I stayed with GRUB1. So I had to be
really careful in upgrading Xen PV based VPS. I usually add --dry-run
option first when I use apt-get -u dist-upgrade. If the result showed me
something strange on some packages, I do the upgrade first on those
packages one by one.
Kind regards,
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