Nuno Magalhães <> writes:

> I had a debian vm laying around and remember i did just that and IIRC
> it wasn't a big deal. Does anyone have fresh/recent input/tips?

not too much recent, I did last upgrade at the end of november 2015, the
first one was back in may 2015, maybe before (some of list readers
probably remember my post on VUA's facebook group about it :-) ).

It's very simple to upgrade from debian wheezy to devuan jessie, simply
put in /etc/apt/sources.list

deb jessie main contrib non-free

then run:

  # apt-get update
  # apt-get install devuan-keyring devuan-baseconf sysinit-core

sysinit-core is (was?) necessary because without it sysvinit will be
"upgrade" to systemd

Then remove all entry about wheezy in /etc/apt/sources.list and run:

  # apt-get update
  # apt-get dist-upgrade

No problem at all for me, but I don't use gnome, kde or any desktop
enviroment, I don't like them, I use only dwm.

At the end of upgrade on my servers I also run:

  # apt-get remove --purge dbus

to clean installation from dbus, consolekit and co.

On workstations I cannot do it because removing dbus remove also
inkskape (and probably something else that I haven't installed) that
sometimes I use.

Ciao, Micky
The sysadmin has all the answers, expecially "No"
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