On Mon, 21 Dec 2015, Steve Litt wrote:

> ==================================================================
> # John Hughes, prolific newbie "libsystemd0 isn't that bad" troll
I'm just going to pick up from your call Steve, thanks, and ban this
subject from the mailinglist: not for being systemd supportive but for
being such a bad presence.

we shall not put down the guard BTW. The donation box is full of small
transactions made with stolen creditcards, I have to decline this stuff
every week to stay clear of Stripe and Paypal's ban.  So my guess is
that the trolls are still active and trying to hit below the belt. This
community here stays as a bright example of how to resist from such
vandals and alike.

Advice to the trolls:

This camp is what is left of a community of mistreated but perfectly
competent people that wanted to stay free from systemd and had to go out
of Debian after a 4v4 condorcet draw vote and the lack of good leaders
who would understand such a result needs no imposition, rather than
mediation.  To the contrary, they just acted like bullies.  And you are
acting as their thugs now. Please think twice then: your time is worthed
more than this. You are serving as disruption agents for an enclave of
corrupted techno-politicians. If you believe systemd is better then do
not bother to be here, just go away and use it.

Debian has failed to fulfill its mission and we are steering away from
it and these bullies. Any incursion of systemd trolls here will not be
welcome and it will be actively counteracted, while there will be a
public track record of their actions.  We are here to defend our
freedom, not to be mocked by bad advice and -who knows why- double
agenda. Trolls can just go with the mainstream and enjoy it until it
lasts: there is plenty of space out there today to be preaching the
mindless support of systemd.

This space is a minority and resists to maintain the right for people to
think different. Stop coming here to try change our mind: you have
already all the space you need to rule out your systemd imposition. My
advice is to invest your energy to make it work well and fix its many
bugs, rather than converting us to your sick dogmas.

We are here to stay and this is our territory.

So, John, now please just go away.

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